how can children's book authors get the most out of an interview - aidyns books for authors -

How To Get The Most Out Of An Interview

We’ve all been there.

We do all the prep before the interview:

  1. Study the show
  2. Memorize answers to the questions
  3. Get our lighting or mic right

But after it’s over, we wonder how did it go?

Did the audience feel my message? Do they want to hear more from me?

Welp! There’s only one way to know.

We have to invite them into our world.

How to get the most out of the interview

Quinn, what is this invite them into our world?

Okay, if the interviewer has time, at the end of the interview, they should ask, “is there anything else you’d like to share” or “where can we find you online?”

This moment is your golden opportunity! Whatever you do, please don’t invite them to check out your book on Amazon and hope they buy.

Instead, invite them to your email list by offering them a juicy freebie.

It may not feel natural at first. We all want to lead directly to the sale.

But guess what, most people will not visit a link to buy and buy right at that moment!

Nope. People get distracted. They forget. Or they don’t have the money at that moment.

How do you ensure you don’t lose them?

If you, however, invite them onto your email list, they have the chance to get to know you. Thus, they have more time to make a decision.

Many studies show that it takes a buyer 5-7 different touchpoints before they agree to buy. A podcast listener may only listen to that interview one time, most likely not the entire episode.

Inviting them to your email list is the best way to ensure you maintain a relationship with the potential reader that liked what you had to say– but aren’t prepared to buy.

How do you invite someone to your email list from a podcast episode?

First, when the interviewer asks if there is anything else you’d like to share, say something like this:

Yes! Of course and I am so excited about this! I have created this amazing (freebie) that will help [parents or teachers] do XYZ. All you have to do is go to [website]. Once you sign up, you can automatically download the freebie and use it right away!

I created a workbook to help children’s book authors prepare for interviews. It provides:

  1. A checklist for proper preparation
  2. Things to remember during the interview
  3. A Call To Action worksheet & template
    • a guide to help you prepare a brief call to action statement

Check it out on our Author Visibility Resources page.

Here is an example of a freebie I created for a podcast I interviewed on:

Whenever I do an interview, I duplicate the page and share a new, easy-to-understand link. I also try to personalize to make that audience feel special!

So the next time you do an interview, try this technique. At first, I know it will be hard not to encourage folks to visit your book sales page solely, but it will be worth it!

Now, I am not saying you should not tell people where to buy your book. Some may purchase it directly. But if they are not ready, this is a great way to make sure they stay in your circle for when they are.

If you are looking for more ideas to help prepare for an interview check out our Author Visibility Resources page.

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